Month: October 2007

  • Not Married, Yet

       YIKES. I need to come into my own site more often. It appears as if some of you thought that the previous picture was from Robert’s wedding. It wasn’t. It was a family members wedding, and Destiny was the flower girl.

    Robert is going to ask his girl to marry him, though, on Christmas morning. He showed me the ring last week. It is beautiful. They are all living together, now, and seem very in love.

     I still have to pinch myself occassionally. It is hard to believe that all of the sleepless nights spent waiting for the phone to ring, afraid that the phone would ring, wanting the phone to ring, are finally over.  Eli's BDay Weekend 061Robert is such a different man today than he was two years ago. He is stronger, braver, kinder, and more able to walk away from those who may drag him down, and it is all because of his beautiful daughter. I didn’t think Brittani should have her. I hated that she was being born to a drug addicted mother and an imprisoned father. But now I am thankful every day, for she gave life to my son, a life that I had given up on, that he had given up on, a life of joyful play, honest work, and love and laughter.

    I know some of you are where I was two years ago. Please hang on to hope. Anything can happen. It truly can.